Dear Graduands,

We are all looking forward to welcome you to the Convocation Ceremony on Saturday, 16 December 2023. You are advised to plan and make your travel arrangement early to ensure that you are in time for the ceremony.

To prepare you for the ceremony and to ensure that the event runs smoothly, we would appreciate it very much if you could pay attention to the following:

Collection of Convocation Robe

Robing Room, Level 1, East Wing of the Convocation Hall

Friday, 15 December 2023 at 10.00 am until 2.30 pm

There are three main parts to convocation attire. You will wear a gown, a hood, and a
mortarboard (graduation cap). The hood drapes around your shoulders and signifies the
degree you earned.

  1. You can collect your Convocation Robe from the Convocation Hall on Friday , 15
    December 2023 at 10.00 am.
  2. Please ensure that you receive the following items:
    a ) The Robe
    b) The Hood
    c) The Mortar Board
    Note: Graduands for Foundation Studies will only receive the Robe
  3. Please sign the necessary papers at the Robing Room as proof that you have collected the Convocation Robe.
  4. The Convocation Robe is made special for AIU and is valuable. Please take extra care of the attire, do not iron, or sew any items on the robe.
  5. You will receive an invitation card to the convocation hall and the card is for your parents or any two members of your family. One card for one person and they are required to show the card to enter the hall.
  6. There will be live streaming of the event and family members who are not able to join in the Convo Hall can watch the live streaming by visiting the University Official YouTube Channel.


Friday, 15 December 2023

  • Please register yourself at Level 2, Left Wing of the Convocation Hall by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, 15 December 2023 for a full-dress rehearsal.
  • Please bring your Convocation Robe along and the University staff will be at the Hall to show you on how to wear the robe.
  • The Rehearsal will begin at 3:30 where you will be lined-up to enter the hall as per the Proceeding of the Convocation.

The Day

Saturday, 16 December 2023



  • Full Lounge Suit (blazer/coat and matching formal trousers with long sleeved shirt)
  • National or Traditional Dress of Your Country
  • Proper shoes with socks

Graduands are not allowed to wear the following:

  • T-shirts
  • Khaki pants
  • Jeans
  • Short pants
  • Short sleeved or sleeveless shirts
  • Slippers, sandals, or any kind of casual shoes


  • Baju Kurong or long dress of any colour
  • National or Traditional Dress of Your Country
  • Covered shoes (shoes covering toes and heels). For safety reason, please do not wear stiletto or high heels that is more than two inches

Graduands are not allowed to wear:

  • Transparent clothing
  • Short sleeved or sleeveless shirts
  • Skirts not reaching the ankles
  • Dresses with high slits
  • Inappropriate dresses which uncovered any part of the body below the neck
  • T-shirts
  • Jeans or khaki pants
  • Slippers, sandals, sports shoes or any kind of casual shoes




Level 2, Left Wing of the Convocation Hall at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, 16 December 2023.

  • All graduands are to register at Level 2, Left Wing of the Convocation Hall at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, 16 December 2023. Graduands will be lined-up for procession by 9:15 a.m. and the procession into the convocation hall will be at 9:30 a.m. The ceremony will begin at 10:00 a.m.
  • Graduands who arrive late may not be allowed to enter the hall and participate in the event.
  • You will be assigned your seat according to the list in the convocation hall. Please do not change your seat because the Dean or Director of Centre for Foundation and General Studies will be calling your name on the stage to receive the scroll from the chancellor.


The Ceremony

The Proceeding:

8:30 am Graduands Registration
8:45 am Arrival of Parents, Guests and Faculty
9:00 am Arrival of Board of Governors and Members of Senate
9:15 am Arrival of the Chancellor
9:30 am Procession of Graduands
9:50 am Procession of Academics
10:00 am Main Procession
10:10 am Commencement of Ceremony
Conferment of Degrees and Certificates
Presentation of Awards
Valedictory Speech
Address by the Vice-Chancellor
Address by the Chancellor
Closing Declaration of the Convocation Ceremony by the Chancellor



  • The University has appointed official photographer for the event, and you will receive your photo on the stage taken by the official photographer
  • Family members and other graduands are not allowed to come forward to take photograph. We will inform you via WhatsApp message from the Alumni Office on when and where to collect the photograph

Returning Of Convocation Robe and Collecting Scroll and Transcript

Venue: Robing Room, Level 1, East Wing of the Convocation Hall

  • Graduands are required to return the Convocation Robe before collecting the scroll and transcript. The Convocation Robe Committee will record that you have returned your Convocation Robe through a shared drive and the Academic Management Staff will issue the scroll and transcript when they access the drive and confirm that you have returned the Convocation Robe.
  • Please ensure that you do not have pending payments to the University as it may result in you not getting your scroll and transcript. Please check with the Finance Department on any payment due.
  • You can return your Convocation Robe and collect your scroll and transcript on the following days:

Saturday, 16 December 2023, 2.30 p.m to 4.30 p.m

Sunday, 17 December 2023, 10.30 a.m to 4.30 p.m

Monday, 18 December 2023, 10.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m, 2.30 p.m to 4.00 p.m

  • You can return the convocation robe latest by Monday, 18 December 2023 (any late return will be compounded RM10/day).

Rules and Regulations

  • The Convocation Invitation Card is required for all graduands and guests attending the Convocation Ceremony. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to enter the Convocation Hall.
  • Guests are encouraged to arrive early and take their places prior to the commencement of the Convocation Ceremony.
  • Graduands should arrive early at the Convocation Hall and report to the registration counter before taking their place in the Convocation Ceremony.
  • For the Convocation Ceremony, all graduands and guests must be suitably attired. This includes footwear, with slippers absolutely prohibited. The acceptable dress code may be found in the Rules & Etiquette Guide.
  • Please note a child below twelve (12) years old will not be allowed to attend the Convocation Ceremony.
  • Guests must respect the gravity of the Convocation Ceremony by acting respectfully, making no noise, and remaining seated at all times while the ceremony is in place.
  • To minimize the disruption to the Convocation Ceremony, it is encouraged that both the graduand and guests use the washroom before the ceremony.
  • Graduands and guests are reminded that only officially designated photographers are permitted to photograph the Convocation Ceremony.
  • The usage of mobile phones in Convocation Hall is strictly prohibited. Graduands and guests must ensure that all mobile phones are turned off or set to silent mode while attending the Convocation Ceremony.
  • Please abide by all instructions given by the officers-in-charge and usherettes of the Convocation Ceremony.
  • Albukhary International University (AIU)  has the authority to reject and limit graduands and guests who fail to behave or adhere by the Convocation Ceremony’s rules and regulations.

watch aiu convocation livestreams

2nd Convocation

3rd Convocation (16 Dec 2023)